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Terms of Use

There are terms for using any puzzles (Sudoku, Super Sudoku, Samurai Sudoku, Killer Sudoku and other variants of Sudoku) generated on our network of websites. Please read and adhere to the following:


All members must provide accurate details when signing up. This includes your correct name and a valid working email address. You must keep your details up-to-date, particularly your email address.

For free accounts, you may only have one free account per person.

For full accounts, you may have a maximum of two full accounts per person.


All generated Sudoku, Super Sudoku, Samurai Sudoku, Killer Sudoku and Godoku puzzles (“Sudoku”), text and graphic content at sudokusolver.com, sudokugenerator.com, supersudoku.com, godoku.com, prizesudoku.com and sudokusyndication.com are copyrighted.

Acceptable uses of puzzles

You may use Sudoku puzzles generated on our website with a free or full account for the following:

Unacceptable uses of puzzles

You may not use Sudoku puzzles generated on our website with a free or full account for any of the following. Please note this includes both free and paid-for products/publications:


We can provide high-quality, exclusive Sudoku in any design, style or format for syndication. Please view Sudoku Syndication for further details or to contact us.

If you have a free publication for a charity or academic purposes, we may be able to syndicate free Sudoku puzzles.